Surprisingly, a fishing line can be more valuable than just bringing in tomorrow’s dinner. There are dozens of ways to incorporate leftover fishing lines that you may have in your shop or drawer, just taking up space.
Looking at the reduce, reuse, recycle theory, not all fishing lines are the same. While some products are made with compostable materials or can be recycled, many other brands of fishing lines do not break down in the landfills easily, and you cannot burn them. So, what do you do with a fishing line you can’t throw away?
Read on as we delve into the various ways of reusing a fishing line and how feasible they are.
Table of Contents

Personal Uses
Here are the top three personal uses for fishing line.
1. Fishing Line as Dental Floss: Not So Smart Way
Standard dental floss is a single strand of nylon material with a thickness of about 0.025 to about 0.076 mm. Depending on the material, fishing line thickness can vary between 0.254 and 0.813 mm. Consequently, both fishing line and dental floss are strong products and will not break easily, making them a potential solution for flossing or fishing.
The difference in measurement may not seem significant, but when trying to use a fishing line between your teeth, it could be challenging if you have very little space. Therefore, you could use a fishing line as floss, but it would depend on your tooth spacing.
Another consideration is hygiene when using fishing line as dental floss. A recycled fishing line can carry bacteria that will get into your gums and areas around your teeth if you do not sterilize the fishing line before use.
2. Fishing Line for Sewing: Unique Alternative
Many individuals profess the convenience of using fishing lines for sewing. There are some advantages to this product when compared to a traditional string. A fishing line is very strong and able to withhold heavy forces, making it a viable product to use when sewing kevlar clothing wear, backpacks, or other similar materials.
However, a fishing line is not the best solution for regular clothing as it will be stronger than the cloth it holds together. This variance means your shirt or pants fabric will rip before the fishing line breaks.
While you can use a fishing line in a pinch for any sewing task, it is most suitable for your backpacks and other durable materials that you need to sew up.
3. Fishing Line To Repair Eyeglasses: Smart Way
Are you tired of spending money on things that break, like your eyeglasses? Often, half-frame glasses will use a built-in wire to hold the bottom of the lens in. Unfortunately, this wire can eventually wear out and break or break if your glasses get hit by accident.
Thankfully, a fishing line can fix them right up without making a costly trip to the optometrist. Using a small section of fishing line, a foil ribbon, and a pair of scissors, you can easily replace the broken underwire and have them back to new in no time. Here is an instructive illustration of replacing the wire on your own.
Household Uses
Here are the top five household uses for fishing line.
1. Fishing Line To Hang Pictures: Smart Way
If you prefer not to poke holes in the walls of your home, you can use a fishing line to hang pictures from a picture rail.
This option works quite well in apartments or rental homes to minimize damage but where you still want to individualize your space. A fishing line is practically invisible and is strong enough to withstand large picture frames.
Alternatively, a fishing wire will work just as well if you are hanging items and do not have any picture wire. As long as you secure it correctly to the fasteners, it will hold up your precious artwork and photos for all to see and enjoy.
2. Fishing Line To Hang Decorations: Smart Way
Fishing lines can help you get in the festive mood and decorate your home. This material is virtually invisible and resists stretching, making it ideal for hanging decorations like Christmas balls, wreaths, or other seasonal items.
Places like chandeliers and doorways are perfect for hanging decorations with fishing lines.
3. Fishing Line To Hang Air Plants: Smart Way
Air plants have been quite trendy lately and can provide an earthy, tropical feel to any home or office space. However, using copper or a wire prone to rust is toxic to plants and will kill them. Because of this element, a fishing line makes for a smart alternative that is safe and practically invisible to hang your air plants.
All you need to do is weave the fishing line through the leaves and around the base of the plant and secure it with a double knot. Then, hang from the ceiling, shelf, or wherever you like. It’s just that easy.
4. Fishing Line For Cooking: Not So Smart Way
If you do not have any butcher twine or string, it may be tempting to try using a fishing line to cook your roast in the oven. Unfortunately, the fishing line contains various plastic compounds and will melt when under severe heat stress.
Using a fishing line for cooking could release plastic into your food. So it’s best to use regular string, foil, or wooden skewers if you run out of butcher twine.
5. Fishing Line For Cutting Food: Smart Way
Have you heard of cutting cheese or watermelon with dental floss? While you may succeed with floss, using a fishing line is an easier and less expensive way to cut your food. In addition, some dental floss will have mint coatings, which can leak into your food. Although this will not harm you, your watermelon may not be as delicious.
A fishing line is strong enough to cut watermelon off the rind easily or slice a block of cheese without missing a beat.
Outdoor Uses
Here are the top seven ways to use fishing line outdoors.
1. Fishing Line In Your Garden: Smart Way
One unique way to use a fishing line is out in your garden or flower bed. You can use this material over your garden in 12-inch sections secured to stakes around your growing space. A lightweight fishing line works best in this situation.
The line is translucent and will appear to move and disappear in the breeze while reflecting light. This movement scares birds away, and your garden will be safe from these pests.
2. Fishing Line As A Bird Deterrent: Smart Way
Much like keeping birds away from your garden, a fishing line will also keep birds from flying into your home’s windows or making nests in your eaves. By draping this inexpensive and straightforward material around the perimeter of your home, birds will steer clear of your roof and picture windows.
3. Fishing Line As A Deer Deterrent: Smart Way
If you know anything about deer, it’s that they can jump high and are relentless at consuming your garden and flowers whenever they can. Even high fences around your property will not stop them from coming in when they are hungry. However, a fishing line can successfully keep them out.
Attach fishing line to stakes about three feet off the ground around the perimeter of your garden or your flower beds and fruit trees. These animals will not see this invisible line, but they will run into it once they come up to your restricted space. Deer are extremely cautious, and a fishing line will startle them as it touches them and keeps them from returning to your area.
4. Fishing Line Fence For Dogs: Not So Smart Way
Dogs have a keen sense of smell and hearing, but their vision is not as good as their other senses. So, unfortunately, a fishing line fence that will keep deer and birds away will not have the same effect on your dog, as some animals are more stubborn and inclined to ignore the fishing line at first.
Your pet may also run right into the fishing line, causing injury to themselves and damage to your garden space. If you want to keep your dog out of your garden, there are better ways than using a fishing line.
5. Fishing Line To Fly A Kite: Not So Smart Way
Flying kites can be an entertaining hobby for many individuals. Since the fishing line is strong and durable, it is a common question if you can use it for flying a kite. Unfortunately, this material does not carry the same properties as kite string and can cause you harm or damage if used for your kite.
A fishing line is slippery and smooth, and while under constant tension from a kite, it could whip around and cut the skin of bystanders or other kite flyers.
6. Fishing Line For Target Practice: Smart Way
Target practice is helpful for any outdoor enthusiast who enjoys skeet shooting or is an avid hunter. You can use fishing lines to string up items, such as pinecones between fence posts, stakes, or trees, to spend some time practicing. This material is inexpensive and strong enough to hold objects for you outdoors, even in a breeze.
7. Fishing Line For Bow Strings: Smart Way
Because fishing line comes in various materials and thicknesses, it is possible to use braided products to replace a bowstring. Many sports enthusiasts use 14 strands for a bow that draws 50 pounds, and the same applies when using a braided fishing line as an alternative.
Some even prefer using the fishing line because it is cheaper. Even though a fishing line is strong enough to handle the stress, it is still prudent to err on the side of caution and replace it every few months, even if the line still looks good.
Unique Ideas
Here are seven unique ideas for using fishing line in alternative ways.
1. Fishing Line For Fixing A Toilet: Smart Way
Does your toilet continuously run because the chain gets tangled or stuck inside the tank? You can fix this problem by removing the chain and using a fishing line to loop from the rubber stopper to the handle arm.
It will not get tangled during flushing, and it will never rust like chains do, keeping your toilet tank and bowl cleaner.
2. Fishing Line For Saving Wrapping Paper: Smart Way
If you want to save gift wrapping paper to use again, you can do this easily by putting a small amount of fishing line under the fold of the paper before placing the tape. Then, when the receiver opens the gift, all they have to do is pull on the fishing line to lift the tape, and the paper will stay intact.
3. Fishing Line For Jewelry: Not So Smart Way
When you have a broken necklace or bracelet, you can easily repair your jewelry temporarily with a fishing line rather than spending money at a local shop for repairs. However, fishing lines will break down with continuous use, eventually getting weaker and will also break.
So, if you want to fix your jewelry in the short term until you can head to a craft store for some specialty wire, it will do the trick, but it is not a final solution.
4. Fishing Line For Clothesline: Smart Way
For a make-shift clothesline, a braided fishing line is perfect. This material does not stretch out of shape and can withstand the weight of clothes hanging. One additional benefit of using a fishing line instead of a wire clothesline is that it will not rust over time. This way, you are sure to keep your clothes clean and free from damage.
5. Fishing Line For Folk Harp Strings: Smart Way
If you play the folk harp and break a string, you can easily replace it with a fishing line. However, you must compare the wire gauge on the harp to the fishing line heaviness measurement for a proper alternative.
However, this way only works if you use a monofilament fishing line as it is the same material as folk harp strings. Other fishing line materials will not produce the same results, unfortunately.
6. Fishing Line For Guitar Strings: Smart Way
Naturally, there is a significant difference between an acoustic and an electric guitar and their strings. Electric guitars rely on magnetic forces to help amplify sound, which a fishing line is not capable of on this style of guitar.
However, while the perfect strings for an acoustic guitar will be wire consisting of bronze, brass, or copper, a fishing line can be a helpful alternative if you are in a pinch.
The gauge should be heavy enough to use on your guitar, but even using a plastic composite fishing line will still produce a good and unique sound.
7. Fishing Line For Ukulele Strings: Smart Way
Like with the acoustic guitar, you can replace the expensive specialty strings on your ukulele with a fishing line if needed and still produce enchanting music. Moreover, ukulele strings are quite similar in composition to fishing lines, making the switch even easier for musicians on a budget.