Can Fishing Gear Cause Cancer?

Safety should be the priority in any sport, and fishing is no different. This means being aware of all of the risks that come with fishing, including any potential cancer causing gear. As some anglers may know, California lists fishing rods as cancer causing and birth defects as per Proposition 65.

Can fishing rods cause cancer? Indeed, fishing rods could potentially cause cancer in their users. This is due to the coating of lead paint that all fishing rods use. Exposure to lead paint is known to cause cancer after an extended period.

Carcinogenic Lead Paint on Fishing Rods

Most anglers are familiar with the colored paint that makes fishing rods shine. However, not everyone knows that this paint is lead-based.

Lead is cancer causing, also known as a carcinogen. This is why the state of California requires warning labels on the product to let users know of the risks. Research suggests that the following cancers are common after exposure to lead paint:

  • Stomach cancer
  • Lung cancer 
  • Cancers of the urinary system (kidneys, bladder)
  • Reproductive harm
  • Brain cancer

Lead paint on fishing rods is no exception to its carcinogenic properties. So, anglers need to know the risks of constantly using the gear.

The lead paint on fishing rods can also lead to cancer and birth defects for those who do not use them. When anglers expose their lead-covered rods to a body of water, the heavy metal seeps into what could become drinking water for people. Alternatively, the fish will absorb the chemicals from the water. When humans eat these fish, they will be consuming the lead.

Protecting Against Cancer-Causing Fishing Rods

Some anglers may be wondering if it is possible to protect themselves against the carcinogenic properties of lead-based paint. After all, consistent fishers are setting themselves up for long-term exposure, increasing the risks of developing cancer from the rod.

The first step that anglers should take to protect themselves against lead exposure while fishing is to wear protective clothing. Coveralls, hats, shoes, and shoe covers are all important. The most crucial item is a pair of gloves. Since anglers handle the rod with their hands, it is important to cover them with protective gloves to decrease exposure.

If the paint on the fishing rod is starting to chip off, do not blow it off or use fingers to peel off the rest of it.

After a day of fishing, anglers should be sure to remove their shoes before re-entering their home. They should also be sure to wash their fishing clothes separately from the rest of their clothes.

These precautions are useful in decreasing the risk of cancer that fishing rods pose.

Frequently Asked Questions

Below, find the answers to some common questions related to fishing rods causing cancer.

Are there lead-free fishing rods?

It is almost impossible to find lead-free fishing rods for adults. Companies like Zebco and Shakespeare, though, sell children’s fishing rods that do not use lead-based paint. These rods often have designs on them, like superheroes. So, they do not require the use of lead paint for the shine.

Due to the small size, it is difficult for most adults to use children’s fishing rods. So, it is important to use protective gear when fishing with adult rods.

What are the signs of lead poisoning?

Cancer alone is not the only risk of lead-based paint on fishing rods. Excessive exposure can also lead to immediate lead poisoning. Even after recovering from poisoning, this can still cause mutations in the DNA that will later lead to cancer.

Any angler who experiences the following symptoms should consult a doctor immediately and express their concerns about lead exposure:

  • Extreme fatigue
  • Metallic taste in the mouth
  • Stomach cramps
  • Nausea and vomiting
  • Pale and clammy skin
  • Dizziness 
  • Anemia
  • Numbness in the extremities
  • Fertility issues
  • Decreased libido
  • Soreness in the joints
  • Tremors 
  • Anxiety

Do other fishing products cause cancer?

Fishing rods are not the only fishing products that can cause cancer. This is because many other fishing products have lead in them, like the following fishing gear:

  • Bait
  • Tackle
  • Lure
  • Lead weights

Unlike fishing rods, though, it is much easier to find versions of these products that do not use lead. In some states, lead weights are even illegal.

How do items end up on the Proposition 65 list?

Proposition 65 is the California law that makes anglers aware of the carcinogenic properties of the fishing rod. For fishing rods to end up on this list, California lawmakers had to consult the World Health Organization’s International Agency for Research on Cancer to see if the chemicals cause cancer.

State qualified professionals reviewed the facts about fishing rods, passed them on to the authoritative bodies, and then fishing rods were required to have a label with a cancer warning.

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