If you have never heard of a fur trout, then you are in for a big surprise!
Trout is one of the world’s most popular game fish, and for good reason. Not only are they excellent to eat, but they are also great fighters. It can be challenging to convince a hungry trout to strike at an artificial bait, let alone reel in a prize-winning catch.
Despite the popularity of trout fishing in the United States, very few anglers are able to accurately describe the internal anatomy of this opportunistic predator fish. There are a whole lot more to trout than fins and strikingly beautiful colors.
Believe it or not, trout have two different hearts that help to properly pump blood through the body. Its main heart, which is located behind the throat, is a traditional four-chamber heart that pumps blood to the gills and all the way to the capillaries in the tail.
From there, the trout’s caudal heart pushes the blood through the caudal vein back to the main heart.
The anatomy of trout has developed to make them adept at catching and consuming a wide variety of foods. Let us take a deeper dive into the many habits and anatomical features which make trout very unique.

Do Trout Have Lungs
Fish, like human beings, need to consume air in order to survive. However, unlike human beings and other mammals, trout do not have lungs. Instead, trout are able to breathe oxygen through their gills.
When a trout opens its mouth, the oxygen-rich water flows through its mouth and out the gills with the help of the operculum, which allows them to absorb the necessary oxygen for survival. From there, just like lungs, oxygen is transferred into the bloodstream, and carbon dioxide is released.
Do Trout Need Oxygen
Trout, like all other fish species, require oxygen in order to survive. Some fish require a lot more oxygen than others.
Unlike other fish, however, trout require a lot of oxygen in order to survive. It is their need for higher oxygen levels that force them to live in colder water. Other species of fish, like carp and bass, do not need as much oxygen, which is why they are able to survive in warmer waters.
Do Trout Need Current
Because of the higher levels of oxygen needed and the manner in which trout feed, they are generally found near high-flowing currents. They do not really need the high current to survive. However, it does help them to excel in this endeavor.
The faster-moving water is generally more oxygen-rich than slower-moving water. And many of the trout’s prey get caught up in the faster currents, making them easier to catch.
It’s not uncommon to find trout sitting in slow-moving water next to the higher currents, waiting to strike opportunistically.
Do Trout Have an Air Bladder
Trout is one of several species of fish that are known to have air bladders. These sacks of air are connected to the trout’s esophagus and run the length of their abdomen. They serve one main purpose, and that is to ensure that the trout is able to stay buoyant in the water. A trout is a form of physostomous fish that is able to dive into deeper waters safely. This allows a trout to quickly adapt from a shallow stream to a deep pond when survival necessitates it.
Do Trout Have Vertebrae
Trout is considered to be an extremely flexible fish thanks to its higher number of vertebrae. While the standard bass has a mere 32 vertebrae, a rainbow trout has roughly 62.
These extra 30 vertebrae allow the fish to fully use their muscles to jump over obstacles. In fact, a trout is capable of jumping more than five times its own length.
Can Trout Hear
Although it may not seem like it, trout do have ears and are perfectly capable of hearing sounds, much as humans do. Moreover, trout also have lateral lines, which effectively allow them to sense or feel sounds as well.
With one lateral line on each side of their body, trout are able to hear and feel a wider range of sounds than most other species in the animal kingdom.
The lateral lines themselves allow a trout to feel sounds that are far too low for most animals to hear.
Do Trout Pee
Like all other animal species, trout have a metabolic process that results in the creation of waste. Trout take in excessive amounts of water from the environment around them and spend a large portion of their energy digesting food throughout their day.
All of this creates liquid waste, which must be excreted somewhere. This diluted urine provides the substance and nutrients that other animals and plants need to survive.
Do Trout Make Noise
Virtually all species of game fish make noises in order to communicate. Like catfish, carp, and other freshwater fish, trout are known to make a croaking or grunting noises when you unhooked them.
They are also known to make a wide variety of clicking noises, slashing noises, as well as scraping noises whenever they are feeding. Moreover, it is believed that trout also make noises specific to mating.
Do Trout Have Kidneys
As with any species in the animal kingdom that excretes urine as part of the metabolic process, trout have kidneys. The kidneys are the primary excretory organ, but other parts of the fish’s digestive system are also known to excrete waste.
As with most animals, the kidney functions as a filter for the body but also helps to maintain the balance of salts and water within the fish.
Do Trout Have a Jaw
Virtually all fish species, including Trout, have jaws. The jaws of a trout are considered to be extremely powerful and are known to draw blood if they grab a hold of an angler’s finger. Counter that with the small but very sharp teeth, it’s no surprise to see why.
Unlike other species in the animal kingdom, a trout jaw is a very unique and complex design that differs between males and females of the species.
Male trout are known to develop a hooked jaw which is used to bite other male trout during spawning season.
Do Trout Fall Asleep
Unlike land mammals, trout do not technically sleep. Rather, trout tend to rest. During this time of inactivity, the metabolic rate of the fish reduces dramatically, while at the same time, the fish stays alert to the potential dangers around them.
While some fish are known to float in one position, others try to wedge themselves into a safe spot, such as in the mud, rocks, or even a nest.
Once a trout becomes motionless for a longer period of time and seems slower to respond to anything going on around them, it can be said that they are sleeping.
Do Trout Have Limbs
According to science and the theory of evolution, land-based animals began life in the water. And, while some fish do have somewhat functional legs, trout do not.
The body of a trout is very streamlined and is perfectly designed for maneuvering through highly turbulent waters at breakneck speeds. Their body is not designed for crawling across the bed of a body of water or even across the land.
Do Trout Hibernate in Winter
Trout do not sleep, rather they simply rest while still staying alert for potential threats. They never stop eating and continue to consume food year-round.
In order to hibernate, an animal must be able to sleep for long periods of time without ever eating. Since trout never sleep or stop eating, it would be impossible for them to hibernate.
However, they are able to reduce their metabolism during the winter in order to survive for longer periods of time without eating.
Do Trout Have Hair
Trout are not mammals, and therefore they do not have hair. In fact, there are no known species of trout that have any hair at all.
Rather, there have been hair-like growths known to form on trout and other fish, including cotton mold which appears like white fur on the outside of the fish. Any references to a fur-bearing trout are purely fictional.