My family had loads of fun catching bass, catfish, bluegill, tilapia, and other fish in the local ponds, lakes, and streams. I don’t recall that we ever considered the rod line rating or, for that matter, ever spotted it on a rod.
The only line we used, sometimes even in the ocean while using small rods, was a 6lb monofilament fishing line. And I can’t remember ever losing a fish because the line broke.
Using a lighter line than what the rod is rated for has its benefits. Such as casting further, reducing the chance of your rod breaking, and the thinner line will make it harder for fish to see the line. However, using a stronger rod could result in you snapping your line more easily.
The line rating on fishing rods is a good guide to ensure the rod and fishing line can work together, preventing line breakage and protecting the rod from damage due to excessive pressure when casting or reeling in your catch.
Here are a few points to keep in mind when selecting a fishing line for a rod.
The Truth Behind Rod Line Ratings
Line ratings appearing on fishing rods can vary from manufacturer to manufacturer. In general, the line rating is a guideline stating a range of line strength to be used with the rod to avoid breaking the line or rod.
Rod ratings typically differ between manufacturers, even though the rod may be made from similar materials.
You can easily go down two line sizes less than the suggested line rating of the rod, provided the line is still suited to the weight of the bait you use and that your reel’s drag is not set too tight.
What To Keep In Mind When Using A Lighter Line On A Heavier Rod
Check To Make Sure Your Rod’s Power Is Not Too High
When deciding what line to use with your rod, make sure that the rod’s power rating is in line or very close to the line rating.
The power rating refers to the rod’s ability to resist bending when under load or how stiff the rod is. Pairing up a rod with a line in its suggested line rating will provide the angler with the proper feedback in the form of pressure on the rod.
Using a line that is too weak for a rod will not provide you with the necessary pressure feedback, resulting in you accidentally applying too much force, thus breaking the line when reeling in a fish.
Lack of Sensitivity Might Lead To Not Feeling Bites
If you use too light of line than what your rod is rated for, you might not sense the bites as easily because the rod might be too stiff and absorb the pressure.
Since you might not see the rod movement or feel the pressure on the rod as well, you might have to make sure you keep a finger in contact with the line to make sure you can feel the bites in the form of vibrations.
It Could Be Difficult To Cast Long Distances
When choosing fishing gear specifically aimed at casting far, line choice is very important. The thinner the line, the less weight, air resistance, and effort required to cast the bait further.
However, your rod also plays an important role in casting. The force you apply to cast your line is multiplied at the rod tip, which makes the rod’s specifications all that more important.
If your line is too light for what the rod is rated for, you might find out that you need to be more gentle when casting your line to avoid snapping your line.
Heavier Rods Are Generally More Stiff And Won’t Bend Under Pressure
Heavier and longer rods are usually built stronger and stiffer to cope with the added forces exerted on the rod by the larger and heavier baits and fish.
Given the added momentum and forces at play when casting and fishing with a heavier rod, it is fair to say that the risk of snapping your line does increase as the line size reduces. Be cautious of going too light line-wise, or line breakage could become a frequent problem.
An easy way to ensure that the line does not break unnecessarily is to ensure your reel’s drag is set correctly for the lines breaking strain.
The quick way to set your drag is to ask a buddy to take hold of the line and apply pressure to the rod. Adjust the reels drag to a setting that you feel comfortable with. Keep in mind that a stiffer rod won’t flex as much as a thinner one, so don’t only use the visual bend of the rod as a guide.
The Benefits Of Using A Lighter Line On A Stronger Rod
- The line is harder for the fish to see in the water.
- A thinner profile line has the advantage of creating less drag in the water and thus improving the sensitivity of the rod and line combination when a fish nibbles at the bait.
- A thinner line offers less wind resistance and is of lighter construction than a thick line, thus improves your casting distance without additional effort being exerted by the Angler.
- The use of thinner line also allows the use of lighter baits or lures without having to sacrifice casting distance.
Should You Be Using Lighter Fishing Line On A Heavier Rod?
The benefits of using a lighter line on a heavier rod far outweigh the risk of the line breaking.
A thinner line can allow you to cast further, has less wind resistance when casting, offers less drag in the water, increases bite sensitivity, allows the reel to hold more line, and is better suited to the use of lighter baits or lures.
Line ratings printed on a fishing rod are a rough guide to assist you in making sure you don’t exceed the line rating or breaking point of the rod. In practice, very few people stick to these recommendations.
Using the thinnest line possible for the type of fishing that you’re doing has more advantages than disadvantages.
More important is to match the bait or lure weight to the line, rod, and reel combination to ensure that the weight of the bait doesn’t break the line or rod when casting.
Casting distance can also be affected due to the bait being too light or too heavy for the outfit.
Happy Fishing & Tight Lines